Talking about gym .... I'm seriously thinking of joining up again. Where I'd find the time to actually go is beyond me, but it sounds like a great idea. I'm liking the sound of those Zumba classes the gym is offering now ... check it out on: ... and tell me if that doesn't look interesting. Ok, I feel I should probably mention that when it comes to anything above "stretch & tone" in a gym I'm one of the most uncoordinated people on the planet! Oh I do eventually get the hang of it, but it takes a long time ... and during that long time you'll find me lying on the floor hysterical with laughter because of my ability to take out at least three people in my orbit. You've got to admit, some of those skinny chicks need to be taken out by a galaxy! Prancing around there as if they're just oh so gorgeous and hot - forgetting that they look a little anorexic. Pffftttt! I'd never be able to be anorexic ... heaven knows I just love my food too much - hence my voluptuous curves. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't men prefer woman to have a little flesh on them? Surely they'd want to cuddle something soft and comfortable that can't be covered with a pillowcase? Surely they're not into snogging a bag of bones??? Ok, I wouldn't put that past some people, but we're not talking about necrophilia here (that means someone who is attracted to corpses). So my thighs are a little wider than they were when I was 18. So my boobs are a little bigger since having three kids devour them for a year and a half each. So my waist is a few centimeters wider than it used to be. So what!? You know what? I believe that you can be as big as a giant 6ft cow that's the size of a baby elephant, and you can still be sexy ....

Yes, you can still be sexy, you glorious bovine! You have it in you - everyone does ... even those cross-dressers out there. Its all about the attitude you have about yourself. If you're going to walk around with a self-hating thing going on its going to show ... no matter what you actually look like. So the key is to start loving and accepting who you are. And if you don't like who you are ... well don't just sit there feeling all sorry for yourself ... that's just irritating ... do something about it. No one can do it for you. Only you have the power.
So come on now ... lets bring sexy back in a big/voluptuous/curvaceous way! Who's with me???? (I am woman, hear me ROAR!!!!!!)
So come on now ... lets bring sexy back in a big/voluptuous/curvaceous way! Who's with me???? (I am woman, hear me ROAR!!!!!!)
1 comment:
Yaaaah, nicely put babes (as usual) and you are so right :) :D
Oh btw, Nu Metro Woza Wed...makes going to the movies very VERY cheap...R15 a ticket.
You should join A & I doing Zumba, we got it at home...tho Im not very good, I trip over my feet then get in A's way :P
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