One good thing about being at home while in-between jobs is that I get to fetch the Klingons from school and I get to watch my little rugby star playing his games! I haven't had the pleasure of seeing my boy doing sport in quite some time. Its interesting for me to see how the mothers that are there on the side of the field or just outside the school gate as the bell rings at the end of the day for their Klingons are still very much the same as they were before I started working. So not much has changed. The snobs are still trying to block the sun from shining by putting their noses in the air (hopefully to trip in the process). The "falseys" are still being as false as ever ... "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! Omg!!! Its been forever!!!! Looooooooooove what you're wearing, where have you beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen????????????" ... and as they turn to their clone gang they gossip about whatever you might not have told them and how they know everything. And then of course you get those delightful malignant tumors that just want to suck the life out of you ... those are generally the ones I like to avoid. I love teasing the "falsey's" like one would tease a pitbull with a little kitten. Throw out a bit of juicy information that you want everyone to know but don't want to tell them yourself because the twists that "falsey's" come up with are generally very entertaining indeed. The snobs I find are generally easy to taunt ... or trip ... depending on how high they have

Walking into the school grounds, I would often pass "Beth" (name changed to protect the innocent). Now I'm generally a very happy and friendly person and would greet Beth with a wave and a "hey!" whenever we passed each other at drop off or pick up times. Yet each time Beth would look at me as if I had a large piece of green mush protruding from my left incisor. Once I realised that I did not in fact have something in my teeth, I decided to take some action and mess with her chi. I walked right up to her, grabbed her shoulders and smiled broadly, flashing my squeaky clean teeth at her, and said: "Hey Beth! How are you!?" Well she mumbled her response through a very tight smile and said: "Fine! Thank you! Ok ..... um .... bye"
Well after a few weeks of this smash and grab maneuver, she actually started coming up to me to say hi before I even had a chance to! So it worked! And we're still very good friends to this day.
If that doesn't work for you, perhaps you can drop kick some sense into that wanna-be snob's ass. (Now now! Don't get your nickers in a knot ... I don't expect you to actually kick someone ... that could ruin your shoes!)
I feel like doing some sort of sarcastic agony aunt column ... anyone brave enough to send me a question? I'll post anything that might come up from that question on here ... so keep visiting and bring your friends.
I'll leave you with this thought:

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