Thanks for the question, Judes. Toddlers are a tricky species indeed ... very unpredictable to the untrained eye.
My kids had their moments when it came to napping and would often manifest when I wanted to put them down. The unfortunate news for a busy mother is that these little Klingons tend to grow out of their naps and one has to adjust the times you originally had planned for those naps. I had my moments of being a lazy mommy and was at times probably way too laid back. To be honest, I was never really good at an extreme schedule at all. Not even with breastfeeding - that was all "you know where it is, if you're hungry let me know" - a.k.a "demand feeding". It worked for me. When it came to nap times, I would try make sure that my little ones wouldn't go to sleep after 3:30pm because they'd be hell to put down in the evening when I wanted some much needed "adult time". So I'd try make sure they would be napping by about 1:30 and give them

Each child is an individual and sometimes you need to find what works for your little one. Just because your friend has the ability to put her child down and say sleep and they obey instantly doesn't mean you will be able to do it too. Besides, you'll probably find it interesting to know that mothers who say they have it all under control often don't and are just hiding it because they want to seem to have it all together. Not helpful, ladies - don't be a fool - talk about your experiences with each other, be there for each other and be real with each other. You have to find what will work for your specific child in your family unit. It may be lying with them for 5 minutes and reading them a short story in a very soothing and calm voice. It may be singing them a soft sweet lullaby - make one up if you don't know one and don't worry if you can't sing - your child won't know this for many years to come. You're bound to have a few "hits and misses" along the way to finding what will work for you or you may hit the jackpot and get it right away. Either way don't loose hope.
The one thing that has kept me sane throughout this journey of motherhood is keeping the following in mind:
- I have never been a mother to this child at the current age he/she is at right now.
- I'm learning as I go along since these Klingons didn't come with a manual.
- They have never been at the current age they are at right now, so they don't know any more than I do and are hence learning as they go along too.
- Each child is different, so what worked for the one won't necessarily work for the next.
- You have to learn to laugh at yourself or you'll go insane.
- Don't try compete with others - just remember that out there somewhere is another mother probably looking at you and saying "I wish I knew how she does it, I'm a terrible mother!"
Here are some websites/articles you may find interesting on the topic of sleeping and napping for toddlers:
And hey, if all else fails ... medicate! ;)
Thanks Meegs!!! :)
Pleasure hun :)
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