Here is the lowdown on this vile spawn of satan:,11855.asp#art_3
OMG my scalp is itching just thinking about it ... and NO, I do not have a pediculus humanus capitis invasion thank you very much.
Ok, so why have I brought up these vile little beasts of burden??? Well this fine sunny winters morning I received a phone call from the ex to say that the preschool where the littlest Klingon goes for higher learning had called to say: "Please fetch your lice infested child immediately before we get it". Ok I'm sure they didn't say it like that, but that sounds more dramatic. So I went to fetch her armed with my supply of Controlice (yes this is what you need to be using ... but before I tell you more about the product, you have to hear more ...). I whisked my infested Klingon back to her father's house (its his turn with the kids) and promptly started spraying the wonderful ammunition onto her locks. We wait for all of 15 minutes and then we go to wash the head with normal shampoo (no need for conditioner). But alas ... this moment would not be complete without a burst pipe up the road resulting in there being all but a few drops of rather icy water dripping uselessly out of the tap. Right, so now what? Well, we head off to the kitchen where I make the Klingon lie on the counter like a large leg of lamb waiting to be carved up and served with roast potatoes, sweet carrots and .... yes ok I'm hungry right now .... where was I ... ok so there she lies crying her eyes out because she feels totally abused right about now (not realising this wasn't were the horror would end). Her head hanging over the prep bowl I managed to get enough water out of the two kitchen sinks and the kettle to make washing the hair do-able. Once this was finally done we went outside and sat in the nice warm sun and started combing out the nits ... yes ... nits ... omg, does it ever end!!! Nits = lice eggs just in case you were wondering. Tiny little white things that some people may dismiss as the results of a flaky scalp ... but these little buggers don't come out of the hair with a good shaking. No. You have to comb out about 2 cm of hair at a time ... its painfully time consuming. So little by little they are removed with much tugging and threats of shaving the whole mangled oily mass right off if she doesn't stop moaning about it. So the nits are 90% gone and whats left will hatch and be dealt with swiftly with more of my weapon of choice.
Talking about this product. Its great. All natural, so it doesn't cause children to convulse and die. For more information on it go take a look at the information on the following website:
If you ever have this problem this is what I would suggest you use. If you're not sure what you're looking for, this is what it looks like:

Now ... where are my agony aunt questions you bunch of scaredy cats! Ok ok... if you have "mother/child" questions you feel too doff to ask someone else about be assured your anonymity will be secure and question answered promptly .... (dare dare dare) .... trust me, I've been asked some whoppers in my day! More on that next time.....
haha SHAME LADY that is ROUGH!!!!
ugh!! i am muchos itchy after reading that story!!!!!!
thx for sorting out the comments thing. been driving me mildly insane(r)
OK, mine is about getting Toddlers to have their lunch time snooze without a world war!!!
Well, Judes, I shall make sure to "answer" that one asap!
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