You guys have got to go check this out! My friend Anton (thanks Noonoobear) introduced me to this online comic a couple of months ago and I almost pee'd myself laughing while reading it! My favorite character has got to be Richard ... yes he would so get my dark sense of humor! He's friggen hilarious!
Just follow the link and go to the archives ... now please ladies and gents, do me a huge favor and don't just read the latest page ... you have to start from page one and read on from there. I know some of you are going to LOVE it while others will think its a pot of snot!
Right, so are any of you who voted out there still stuck with the mark?! My word, the demonic wench who got hold of me on that day has managed to make my thumb look permanently dirty ... although I take great delight in the fact that her hands will definitely look worse than mine ever could (unless I dip them in a vat of this crap ink - yes its seriously like henna on crack!). And why would her hands look worse? Well, I swear her brightness was phenomenal ...... she wasn't wearing gloves and she DID look like she'd dipped her hands in a vat of the stuff. YUK! I hate politics ... it and all the demonic spawn that come along with it.
Anyway, that's enough of that crap. On to far more interesting tales......
I am reminded today why I love medication so much ... not for me, but for others. My boy was diagnosed with ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) early last year. He had really been struggling with school work and wasn't coping at all. Well we had him assessed by a school psychologist and then also by our totally awesome pediatrician (he's a god I tell you ... more on that later) and it was decided after much research that we'd try him on Concerta. It worked out so well and his grades went up phenomenally. I, at times, forget how busy he is without his meds and am reminded on days like today why its good for him ... and for me. Today mommy had a very bright moment and forgot to give him his tablet .... poor boy .... poor mommy ... poor sisters! LOL! He just seems to have far more control over his emotions and attitude when he's on the meds. No emotional outbursts, no tantrums, no rude and irritating behavior. And then he's also just plain happier being on them. I know there's lots of interesting information about this condition out there, but I so trust my pediatrician about this. Here's a man that needs some mentioning....
Dr Christopher Pienaar who practices out of Die Boord, Stellenbosch, is (so far as I am concerned) a total god in the world of pediatrics. What an awesome man. I remember the first time I heard of him. A friend of mine had once again gone back to her local pediatrician (a man with the bed side manner of a warthogs ass) and was once again told her child had an ear infection. Walking off with a prescription for another dose of antibiotics she decided to try Chris for a second opinion. He is always very thorough in his examination and diagnosis. He took a look at little one and told mommy dearest that there was nothing wrong with this childs ears!!! He then went on to explain that most doctors, when not sure about what the problem could be (and with no patience to find out), call it an ear infection and prescribe a broad spectrum antibiotic to kill off whatever the problem might actually be - this often works, and often doesn't. Needless to say she never went back to the old doctor again and has been with Chis ever since.
My first experience of Chris was when Ethan was a bit sick - he was suffering with severe stomach cramps and was just under the age of three at the time - not fun. Anyway, my kids (Danielle and Ethan - Raechel was under construction at the time) were terrified of doctors. The very idea of them would incapacitate them for days! Yes, the idea of using that as a scare tactic was very very tempting. So we arrive at his offices and walk into a room full of toys ... and the kids thought they had died and gone to heaven. When it was our turn to go in, we tunneled through the toys and ended up in a room that was also surrounded by toys. Chris was there, not wearing a white lab coat as most doctors tend to do, but in his jeans and plad shirt. He immediately put the kids at ease and they were chatting to him in no time ... even called him Uncle Chris! LOL! So now if they ever need to go to a doctor that's were I take them. Of course that's very seldom because as we all know, when you become mother to your second child you also get your medical degree and are able to medicate your kids yourself!!! What do you mean you didn't get one?! Best you go get a refund then dear......
Right ... now toddle off and go read that comic for a bit of a laugh and I'll catch up with you again later!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
"Elections & Erections" (thanks Tannie Evita)
Yes I thought that title might get your attention ...
It was voting day today (still is if its not 9pm yet .... *checks* ... nope its still early enough to get there if you haven't yet). Hope you've made your mark for "volk en vaderland" ... otherwise you best shut your luscious lips next time someone makes the mistake to spark a heated debate about politics.
See, that's what I love about my group of friends. We never really get into that topic ... or the one concerning religion which can be equally tedious in certain company. Everyone has a different view and I'm a firm believer in the "each to his own" concept. I'm not about to push my belief system on someone else or rub it in their face. That's what I've always believed to be a rather horrid case of "bible bashing". Rather live what you believe and live it well - otherwise do like I do with politics and shut the ... ok well you get the drift.
So anyway ... on to less heated topics now. I had a good laugh while reading my Foschini club magazine (probably one of the most pointless ones EVER!) when I noted that there is a movie coming out soon with a title that reminded me of that incredible (feel the sarcasm) couple who obviously never read that book I mentioned (oh for heavens sake! Go read the post before this one if you don't remember). Well, the movie is aptly named: "How to lose friends and alienate people" ...... I found that hilarious!!! LOL!
I wonder why I didn't see Tannie Evita on the voting roll ... I think she'd make a killer president. HAHAHAHA!
Yes, that was arb.
But I was thinking about her/him (Tannie Evita - keep up now...) because the idea of driving through to Darling for one of those shows sounds just divine! Getting a whole group of people together, traveling through, watching a show and eating good food with great company ... aaahhhh .... what could be better! So when we going?!?! Check out the site:
Anyway ... best I go check my food before it gets cremated!
PS. I'd love to know who's reading this ... so either become a "follower" or leave a comment or three ;)
It was voting day today (still is if its not 9pm yet .... *checks* ... nope its still early enough to get there if you haven't yet). Hope you've made your mark for "volk en vaderland" ... otherwise you best shut your luscious lips next time someone makes the mistake to spark a heated debate about politics.
See, that's what I love about my group of friends. We never really get into that topic ... or the one concerning religion which can be equally tedious in certain company. Everyone has a different view and I'm a firm believer in the "each to his own" concept. I'm not about to push my belief system on someone else or rub it in their face. That's what I've always believed to be a rather horrid case of "bible bashing". Rather live what you believe and live it well - otherwise do like I do with politics and shut the ... ok well you get the drift.
So anyway ... on to less heated topics now. I had a good laugh while reading my Foschini club magazine (probably one of the most pointless ones EVER!) when I noted that there is a movie coming out soon with a title that reminded me of that incredible (feel the sarcasm) couple who obviously never read that book I mentioned (oh for heavens sake! Go read the post before this one if you don't remember). Well, the movie is aptly named: "How to lose friends and alienate people" ...... I found that hilarious!!! LOL!
I wonder why I didn't see Tannie Evita on the voting roll ... I think she'd make a killer president. HAHAHAHA!
Yes, that was arb.
But I was thinking about her/him (Tannie Evita - keep up now...) because the idea of driving through to Darling for one of those shows sounds just divine! Getting a whole group of people together, traveling through, watching a show and eating good food with great company ... aaahhhh .... what could be better! So when we going?!?! Check out the site:
Anyway ... best I go check my food before it gets cremated!
PS. I'd love to know who's reading this ... so either become a "follower" or leave a comment or three ;)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The people we know....
Just got an email from the lawyer with my court date ... its the weirdest feeling that I'm not quite sure how to explain. I'm very happy this whole journey is almost over and excited at the new journey I'm going to be embarking on soon. Then there's also this feeling of "OMG I've got to go to court!!! AAARRRGGGG" ... freaky freaky!
I am proud to say that it will be the very first time I've ever set foot in a court room ... and yes ... I'm a little on the scared side! Not something I'm looking forward to at all - but it has to get done. Blegh! Lets just hope I don't see a sign like this:
Heaven knows I don't want to be stuck in a queue like that all day! LOL!
Yes, I feel the need for some comic relief right now, so I found some classics which I'll share with you .... you know the ones ... they kinda make you grin because you often think like this don't you ... go on ... we're alone and no one is listening ... feel free to admit it now ... yes I promise the truth really does set you free ... no really ...

Yeah ... you know you just thought of several people in your life that these apply to!!! Don't deny it! I can think of a few acquaintances that I have that it fits perfectly with ... they're type of people that tire you out completely just by breathing. I've recently had the displeasure of meeting just such a couple through a good friend of mine ... endless pits of need and wants. And then they wonder why friends are so far and few between. Obviously they've never read "How To Win Friends And Influence People".
I'll admit though that people like this intrigue me. I'm often in "fix it" mode and love to get right into peoples comfort zones. No ... not to see them squirm ... although truth be told that can be hysterical to watch! I often wonder why people are the way they are and make an effort to see behind the masks they wear. I know masks all too well considering I wore them for such a long time myself. Once you've worn a mask or two in your life you have the ability to pick out the people you know (or don't know so well) that are wearing some pretty hefty masks themselves ... which is just about everyone these days, isn't it? Everyone has something to hide - whether it be that vile secret that you'd rather not tell anyone or your heart. Needless to say I figure this particular couple has a little bit of an inferiority complex and some issues that they need to deal with. It will be interesting to see how they cope with my style of friendship - if they dare to actually go there. But I assume that with the impending "singleness" coming my way in May, the insecure wifey won't want to pursue anything! LOL! As if I'd find a married man intriguing enough to warrant any sort of attention ... *shudders at the thought*.
Anyhoo .... best we all get back to what we need to be doing and stop wasting time reading arb rantings of a mildly psychotic woman.
Laters ;)
I am proud to say that it will be the very first time I've ever set foot in a court room ... and yes ... I'm a little on the scared side! Not something I'm looking forward to at all - but it has to get done. Blegh! Lets just hope I don't see a sign like this:

Heaven knows I don't want to be stuck in a queue like that all day! LOL!
Yes, I feel the need for some comic relief right now, so I found some classics which I'll share with you .... you know the ones ... they kinda make you grin because you often think like this don't you ... go on ... we're alone and no one is listening ... feel free to admit it now ... yes I promise the truth really does set you free ... no really ...

Yeah ... you know you just thought of several people in your life that these apply to!!! Don't deny it! I can think of a few acquaintances that I have that it fits perfectly with ... they're type of people that tire you out completely just by breathing. I've recently had the displeasure of meeting just such a couple through a good friend of mine ... endless pits of need and wants. And then they wonder why friends are so far and few between. Obviously they've never read "How To Win Friends And Influence People".
I'll admit though that people like this intrigue me. I'm often in "fix it" mode and love to get right into peoples comfort zones. No ... not to see them squirm ... although truth be told that can be hysterical to watch! I often wonder why people are the way they are and make an effort to see behind the masks they wear. I know masks all too well considering I wore them for such a long time myself. Once you've worn a mask or two in your life you have the ability to pick out the people you know (or don't know so well) that are wearing some pretty hefty masks themselves ... which is just about everyone these days, isn't it? Everyone has something to hide - whether it be that vile secret that you'd rather not tell anyone or your heart. Needless to say I figure this particular couple has a little bit of an inferiority complex and some issues that they need to deal with. It will be interesting to see how they cope with my style of friendship - if they dare to actually go there. But I assume that with the impending "singleness" coming my way in May, the insecure wifey won't want to pursue anything! LOL! As if I'd find a married man intriguing enough to warrant any sort of attention ... *shudders at the thought*.
Anyhoo .... best we all get back to what we need to be doing and stop wasting time reading arb rantings of a mildly psychotic woman.
Laters ;)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Catch up...
Life has a funny way of working out. When I was in high school my friends and I used to sit around and ponder the future. I always said I'd like to get married when I'm about 25 years old and have my first child at about 30.
Needless to say that didn't go as planned. I got married at 21 and had my first child two and a half months before my 23rd birthday. The other thing I never factored into my planning while I was a teenager was getting divorced.
Deciding to go ahead with "the D word" was probably one of the hardest things I've had to deliberate on. I'm more of a thinker/analyser than most give me credit (ah yes, my ability to hide my skills is phenomenal!), so this decision took months to make as I weighed up all my options. Once the decision was made that was it for me though.
To be honest ... I don't regret it at all. For the first time in ages I'm actually feeling like myself again! I've got my sparkle back and I'm loving life and all it has to offer.
So what have I been up to (for those of you who haven't been in contact for a while)? Well, a lot actually!!! Where to start .... hmmm ....
Guess a good place to start is with my kids. I have three gorgeous kids (a.k.a Klingon's). Danielle is 11, Ethan is 8 and Raechel is 5. They're a handful but one I wouldn't swap for all the treasures in the known universe! I love my babies so much!!! You can see their pics on my Facebook profile (if you are a friend) but I will post some on here too when I've got them with me again. My ex and I have joint custody of the kids. Now while it can be hard to be away from them when they're with him, the space it gives me is also amazing and has just made the time I do have with them all the more special.
Then there's work. I work for a company called Digitot ( I'm loving it of course! Being back in the corporate world is great! I started out with the company in August 2008 as a Sales Rep. Then I was moved into the office full time from February 2009 to co-ordinate things in the Cape Town branch and also to manage the sales division of the national call centre. I work with a great bunch of people who have been getting used to my warped sense of humor.
Besides that I still try and get to my photography as often as I can - oh didn't you know??? I qualified as a photographer at the end of 2007. That's been so much fun! Some of my work is also posted on my Facebook profile. I still get the odd call to come and do family pics for couples and then I also have a special clients who like to come for special pics for their spouse/partner. No, no, no! Nothing pornographic! Just nice and sensual ... leaves enough for the imagination ;)
So that's it in a nutshell for now ... there is lots brewing of course, but more on that later....
Needless to say that didn't go as planned. I got married at 21 and had my first child two and a half months before my 23rd birthday. The other thing I never factored into my planning while I was a teenager was getting divorced.
Deciding to go ahead with "the D word" was probably one of the hardest things I've had to deliberate on. I'm more of a thinker/analyser than most give me credit (ah yes, my ability to hide my skills is phenomenal!), so this decision took months to make as I weighed up all my options. Once the decision was made that was it for me though.
To be honest ... I don't regret it at all. For the first time in ages I'm actually feeling like myself again! I've got my sparkle back and I'm loving life and all it has to offer.
So what have I been up to (for those of you who haven't been in contact for a while)? Well, a lot actually!!! Where to start .... hmmm ....
Guess a good place to start is with my kids. I have three gorgeous kids (a.k.a Klingon's). Danielle is 11, Ethan is 8 and Raechel is 5. They're a handful but one I wouldn't swap for all the treasures in the known universe! I love my babies so much!!! You can see their pics on my Facebook profile (if you are a friend) but I will post some on here too when I've got them with me again. My ex and I have joint custody of the kids. Now while it can be hard to be away from them when they're with him, the space it gives me is also amazing and has just made the time I do have with them all the more special.
Then there's work. I work for a company called Digitot ( I'm loving it of course! Being back in the corporate world is great! I started out with the company in August 2008 as a Sales Rep. Then I was moved into the office full time from February 2009 to co-ordinate things in the Cape Town branch and also to manage the sales division of the national call centre. I work with a great bunch of people who have been getting used to my warped sense of humor.
Besides that I still try and get to my photography as often as I can - oh didn't you know??? I qualified as a photographer at the end of 2007. That's been so much fun! Some of my work is also posted on my Facebook profile. I still get the odd call to come and do family pics for couples and then I also have a special clients who like to come for special pics for their spouse/partner. No, no, no! Nothing pornographic! Just nice and sensual ... leaves enough for the imagination ;)
So that's it in a nutshell for now ... there is lots brewing of course, but more on that later....
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