No, I'm not actually eating a chocolate a day and no I'm also not on a diet of any sort. I think its silly to stress myself out in that way. The way I see it, the Hubby-2-B got to know me and fell in love with me at the size I'm at. So WHY in the name of everything that is good and holy, do I have to go starve myself of something I find so delightfully pleasurable???? I think not dear people of blog land. I think NOT!
I do however have this horrid suspicion that there is tons to do in these "countdown" days and I'm missing something. Probably a good time to start looking at my endless lists and huge file again.
The reason for the horrid suspicion is of course having had another nightmare about the impending nuptuals. Now this was a little while ago (yes yes I know I should update this more often). Basically my entourage and I were all ready to go and perform in the best show the venue has ever seen (work with me here), when I was told that the reception isn't ready, the food is not ready, people are about to leave because its 7pm and the reception had to start at 5pm. I woke up with a panicked feeling and then quickly reassured myself that the wedding ceremony only starts at 5pm so theoretically the reception might only start at 7pm anyway - depending on how long it takes to make us look totally awesome and photographic. AND I've got an awesome bunch of people which includes my amazing Mistress of Ceremonies (Miss T) who will make sure nothing like this dream happens. *sigh of relief and back to sleep*
Now that dream certainly brings up a few of those points to ponder on the to do list.
- make sure the Miss T and company are ready to make sure everything is running smoothly on the day - because there is no ways on this green earth (location dependant) that I'm going to have time for that.
- make sure the venue and catering are all ready for action
- double check ... no no ... quadruple check with everyone so that timing is perfect on the day
I'm still trying to get help with the table decor and flowers. Who knew things could be so difficult to find - and seriously, it not like I'm asking for things that aren't in season! People are seriously bad at giving quotations. And when they hear that you are asking due to a wedding function they load the price even more than usual! Shocking! Bunch of vultures I tell you! *shakes fist dramatically at sky*
The next major thing I have to sort out is going to buy the material needed for the Best woMan's dress, get it to the dress maker along with another picture of exactly what I want my dress to look like. Best I do that this weekend or we're going to be in serious doodoo.
All the invitations have been sent off - now we await the RSVP's to come in. I wish we could invite everyone we really want there. Hopefully those not invited will be understanding about the fact that its fooooooooking expensive to get married.
The last of the gift registries were set up this past weekend ... H2B couldn't make it, so I took the groomsman's wife and one of my offspring with me and got all trigger happy with the scanner. What fun. I just wish I could have bought all those things ... although if I did I'd need to either get a much bigger house or throw a lot of the things I currently have away. My bet is that the H2B would vote for the latter.
Dancing lessons are going famously. We have an awesome song now and are practicing to it at least once a week :) Our dancing teacher, Lesley, is the best! The epitome of patience - which with us is vital. I'm seriously wanting to go on with lessons when we're done and perhaps join one of her social couples
Met with our new DJ last week ... thank the heavens above he knows what he's doing. Gave us excellent advice and asked very good questions that raised issues we didn't even think about. Just more to do on that darn to do list.
I am seriously looking forward to getting away for the honeymoon. You have NO idea how badly I need a holiday. Life has been WAY to hectic recently.
I have found a way to relax though. Arts and crafts. If I don't make some time to do these things that I love then I will end up in Groendakkies. So at the moment I am knitting, crocheting and mozaicing. And it is AWESOME. I'll take some pics of what I've been doing and post them sometime soon.
Oh and I've joined the world of Twits too - all the fault of a lady I know who was tweeting about her birth progress while in labor. So if you are on there you can follow me too - "accordingtomeegs" ... not sure how the "look me up" function works yet
So as from 30 days I'm going to do a proper countdown to the big day and keep you posted on all the "aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggggggg" moments to come :)
Any advice on any of the above would be welcomed too by the way -so feel free to comment please!
1 comment:
I am nominating myself (Tho I think I have already) yet just incase in all the hustle and bustle I thought I would remind you, that I will be willing to help in any way I can, including both before and on the day :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
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