And and and!!!! I have SO much to tell you! I've been a busy bee ... again!
So where to start....
1. Married Life
My hubby and I have been married for almost a year now. How time has flown. And yes, I'm still walking on clouds. I am so happy, content and deeply in love with this amazing man. What surprises me is how quickly the time has gone - it still feels like it was only yesterday we said hi to each other for the first time and my heart started beating again.
Ok before you start throwing up from a sugar overdose, I'll move on....
2. Kids
My three klingons are doing well - they've adjusted well to their step-dad and our marriage. Their father remarried in May, and they have adjusted to having a step-mom and step-brother. School has been going well. Dani is going to high school next year and has been accepted (after a stressful/nerve-wrecking audition) to have drama as a subject. My little drama queen. Ethan is starting to grow up way too fast ... not so much my little boy anymore ... more like he's catapulting towards being a teenager. Raechel is doing so well in grade one. She's excelling in her subjects and has adjusted to being in big school.
And talking about teenagers ... I saw a great sign that I thought I'd share with you at this juncture:

Anyway, there's one more part to tell you about and then the future posts will probably contain constant updates on how this is going .....
3. The New Adventure
No, I'm not pregnant.
My BFF and I had a discussion one day about our hopes and dreams. To our amazement we discovered that we both have the same dream. We had both seperately come to the conclusion that it didn't have to be a far fetched dream but could (with some heavy elbow grease) become a great reality. So after we figured out how stupid we had been to imagine we wouldn't have a similar dream, we decided to join up and work our way to making it a reality.
And so, Treacle Studio was born....
The big picture is that we want to own our own shop/coffee shop/craft studio combo and eventually perhaps a B&B too. Having our own vegetable and herb garden to pick from ... *dreamy sigh*. However, without some hard work this isn't going to happen. So we're starting out carefully and slowly ... baby steps as it were. We've started creating our products and we're hitting the local craft/food markets.
What are we doing, I hear you ask?
Well, we do prepackaged muffin, bread and cake mixes - they look something like this:

Another leg to the business is the arts and craft classes. We've set up a mosaic course, paper making course and calligraphy classes - there are many more on the way.
The girls in my office clubbed together and had my car branded as a birthday gift:

So as you see its busy days ahead. If you know any rich philanthropists to help us get started and know anyone with a very large property we can run it from, let me know!
That's all for now - I promise to update more often!!!
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