Oh ... My .... Gosh!!!
I can't believe its that soon .... I'm feeling pretty prepared though. Although, we've been sending invites out and have just realised that we forgot to put in there that its a cash bar and a dress code. I'm assuming the people will realise that it's an evening wedding and will dress accordingly, but one never knows......
<---- Look at this dress!!! I'm going to be dressing my little girl in that style for the wedding ... won't that be STUNNING! I'd post what mine is going to look like, but that would give it away to the groom who up to this point only knows the colour of the material. I think I'll keep that one a secret... The bridesmaids are going to look totally amazing, by the way ... can't wait to see the completed picture. I'm going to try scan in the snippets of material I have and see if the colours come out well enough to post here ... just to give you all an idea of what we're going for here :) Excitement, excitement!!! Lets just hope it all pulls together to be one heck of a successful event. Heaven knows its a life changing one for me. I can't wait to be able to officially call this amazing man my husband! *sigh* I think I may just post a few pictures of the ideas I have had over the last few months for the big event ... needless to say I won't be able to pull them all off, but I still think they're great ideas. And yes, I'd love to hear what you all have to say.
On a different topic, I heard a saying the other day that made me feel all "warm and fuzzy" inside...
"The best kind of revenge is success!"
Yup, I believe that is going to be my motto in life ... well, it kind of has been actually. I've just never put it so many words. I love the way that my happiness and success has totally pissed off those people who have been cheering possible failure on. To all of them I say "HA HA HA!" (followed by a tongue being stuck out .... as apposed to lifting both my fists and raising my middle fingers with a grin on my face).

Yes people, you've got it right! I'm a constant surprise!
1 comment:
So awesome! And oh so VERY exciting! The dress for your daughter is stunning :)
And I like that quote :)
Also, beautiful blog-background background - love the red.
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